CYnergy proposes an approach towards the establishment of a Natural Gas (NG) supply system on the island of Cyprus, as well as an approach towards the optimisation of the upstream and downstream NG supply chain. The proposed Action is linked to the (Energy) PCI 7.3.2 promoting the development of a LNG Storage Facility in Vassilikos, Cyprus, and to the TEN-T Orient/East-Med Core Network Corridor and the complete Core and Comprehensive Port and Road Networks of Cyprus.
By taking the LNG Storage Facility as the focal point, this Action will develop NG penetration strategies in Cyprus, as well as the financial structures for the implementation of the infrastructure investments in the sectors of transport and energy. CYnergy will focus on executing all the necessary market-related, technical and financial, commercial, environmental and permitting studies for the development of the supply chain, the market roll-out and the introduction of LNG and CNG (compressed natural gas) as alternative fuels in the energy and transport sectors.