On 25 January 2018, EU Member States agreed on the Commission’s proposal to invest €873 million in key European energy infrastructure projects. The goal of the Energy Union is the Europe’s transition to a clean and modern economy, a priority of the Juncker Commission. The European Commission supports 17 selected electricity and gas projects in an attempt to upgrade and make the European energy system more competitive that will ultimately deliver cheaper and secure energy to all European consumers.
Specifically, the EU funding for the chosen projects comes from the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), the European support programme for trans-European infrastructure.
Mr. Maroš Šefčovič, Commission Vice-President for Energy Union said: “Once more we demonstrate that cooperation and solidarity pays off and that the Energy Union is becoming a reality with tangible impact on the ground. These are important projects with major cross-border benefits and by implementing them we strengthen energy resilience of EU Member States. The Connecting Europe Facility has yet again shown tremendous added value in the modernisation of the European economy.“
CyprusGas2EU, an action submitted on October 2017 by CYnergy partners under 2017 CEF Energy Call for Proposals. CyprusGas2EU an action supported in the gas sector by the Connecting Europe Facility consists one of the infrastructure projects important for two island Member States. The introduction of natural gas in Cyprus through the CyprusGas2EU project (EU support €101 million) will end the current energy isolation of the Cyprus, bring diversification to a region mostly dominated by one single source of supply and help reduce air pollution and emissions by allowing switching from heavy fuel oil to gas for power generation. It will also improve energy security and price competitiveness.
For more information: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-383_en.htm