CYnergy, an Action that concerns the establishment of a Natural Gas supply system on the island of Cyprus. The Action is linked to the (Energy) PCI 7.3.2 promoting the development of a LNG Storage Facility in Cyprus, and to the TEN-T Orient/ East-Med Core Network Corridor and the complete Core and Comprehensive Port and Road Networks of Cyprus. CYnergy will focus on executing all the necessary market-related, technical and financial, commercial, environmental and permitting studies for the development of the supply chain, the market roll-out and the introduction of LNG and CNG (compressed natural gas) as alternative fuels in the energy and transport sectors. More specifically, it aims to achieve the optimisation of the downstream and upstream NG facilities through five proposed approaches: a) the exploration of the options for the main NG supply, storage, trade and distribution for Cyprus; b) the exploration of the possible complementary patterns in supply, storage, trade and distribution of NG; c) the possible development of a secondary LNG INTRAMED market utilising small-scale LNG bunkering vessels; d) the investigation of the possible development of a complementary CNG waterborne supply chain; and e) the development of dedicated implementation plans per sector explored.
CYnergy action will be finalized on March 2020.
General information with regards to the CYnergy Action are already available on: