TRiTON, a research project submitted under the Intervention II “Business partnerships with research organizations” of the “RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE” Action A’ Cycle, financed by the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK) in the framework of NSRF 2014-2020 has been included in the Supplementary provisional list of potential beneficiaries of intervention II.
The proposed project, coordinated by Ocean Finance, aims at the development of an integrated risk management system, covering all phases of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) port reception, storage and refuelling facility lifecycle, from the identification of the need for using LNG as a marine fuel, to realization of the investment and the operation of the facility.
TRiTON project includes the a) establishment of an integrated risk management framework suitable for setting the foundation and organizational arrangements at all stages of stakeholder Organizations from investment assessment, to design and operation of LNG facilities, (b) analysis, (c) handling, and (d) monitoring of threats and opportunities related to the processes of: 1. Investment evaluation, demand forecast, preliminary assessment of facility costs, permitting and environmental impact assessment; 2. Facility design and construction project management; 3. Facility operation, including LNG supply, storage and management, facility refuelling, and vessels bunkering and 4. Facility Safety considerations.